So I have noticed this occur a few times while working in a section view. I think I have also had it occur in profile views, but it seems to pop up anytime I go back and change the elevations or stations of a view that I had originally made. There is a small circle, situated across from my Top of Berm EL. 76 text there, that is sitting on the existing ground profile line. Is there any way to delete that circle? It seems to be connected to the entire view, so when I go to delete the circle, it will delete the rest of the section view.
Let me know if you have ever seen this occur and know of a way to get that off of there.
Thanks all,
Goto Section View Properties and Select Profile Grade Lines….UNCHECK SHOW or Change Marker Style to NONE
Are you using the profile/cross section style views that were created for Maryland? If not, I would try and use one of those to see if it still shows up. I believe it’s a “style view” that is causing the circle to be there…..I haven’t seen this before.
I am using one of the grid styles that was made for MD. Ill go through and see if I can’t mess around with the style view and get it to go away. Like I said, this only happens on rare occasions and usually when I alter the elevations/stations of a profile/cross section view, usually if I have to change it by a decent amount.